Network of Care
This website provides simple and fast access to information for persons with mental illness, caregivers, and service providers.
Local Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous - Annapolis Area Intergroup

Annapolis area Alcoholics Anonymous chapter.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Baltimore Area Intergroup

Baltimore area Alcoholics Anonymous chapter. Also serves Northern Anne Arundel County.
Annapolis Vet Center

Annapolis location of the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs.
For assistance after hours, weekends, and holidays call: 1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387)
Upcoming Events
Cookbook Club Mystery Ingredient Challenge
Shake up your cooking and reading repertoires with this mystery ingredient virtual program. After registering you will be notified by email when your mystery ingredient and library materials (two random ingredient-related books
Grief Circle
Come and join this gently guided group held in a private room setting. Whether you are experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one or pet, estrangement, health concerns, the season change, or any other significant loss, you are welcome.
Beginner Line Dancing
Do you like doing the Wobble or the Cupid Shuffle? Come learn some more beginner soul line dances and discover a fun, low impact physical activity!
Release and Waiver Form
This program requires the completion of a Release and Waiver form.
Este programa requiere completar un formulario de liberación y renuncia.
National Resources
Caregiver Support
Find & Compare Health Care Providers

Find & compare doctors, plans, hospitals, suppliers, and other providers. Powered by Medicare.gov.
Healing Library

The Healing Library offers downloadable resources to create Healing Library kits on a variety of topics to assist families after periods of trauma that encompass many forms of healing.