

Offers over 6000 courses in the areas of business, tech, and personal development across 75+ different categories.

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  • Up-to-date courses. Eighty-five percent of the collection has been updated in the last two years, ensuring learners are developing skills in the most relevant areas.
  • Takes a learner-first approach. Users can select the instructor and content that best addresses their skills need and learning preferences and filter search results on course features, level, duration, topic, and ratings.
  • International collection. Features 2,000+ courses taught by native speakers of Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Japanese designed to help more users achieve their desired learning outcomes.

You must be 13 years or older to use Udemy. You can create a Gale account or use a Google or Microsoft account to sign in to Udemy. If you choose to use a Google or Microsoft account when first signing in, you must continue using that account and sign-in method to access Udemy.  Udemy accounts must be created and used using an internet connection in Maryland. Do not use a VPN when creating an account on Udemy.