Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas

By Sanaya M., Meade High School 
Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas is a powerful exploration of identity, responsibility, and the complexities of growing up in a challenging environment. Serving as a prequel to Thomas’ bestselling novel The Hate U Give,' this book delves into the life of Maverick Carter, the father of the protagonist in the original story. Living in Garden Heights, Maverick navigates the harsh realities of being a young black man in a neighborhood with a lot of gang influence.

Thomas skillfully crafts Maverick’s character, presenting a portrayal of a teenager faced with difficult choices. The compelling story culminates in Maverick discovering he is going to be a dad at the young age of 17. This novel excels in its ability to humanize its characters, revealing the complexities of their lives and struggling with challenging stereotypes. Thomas’s writing style makes it easy for readers to empathize with the characters. The dialogue is noteworthy because it is funny and authentic. My favorite aspect of the story was that I didn’t realize it was connected to The Hate U Give, until the last line of the book.

The narrative and story line kept me intrigued and guessing until the end of the book. However, some points in the story did seem predictable because of the similar events that occurred in the continuation. Nonetheless, the novel addresses social issues through the lens of compelling storytelling.

Click here to check out Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas

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