Ink, Iron, and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare

By Emily E., Annapolis High School 

Ink, Iron and Glass is the first book in the Ink, Iron and Glass Duology. The book is about a talented sixteen-year-old girl named Elsa, who, unlike others, wasn't born in the real world but was written into existence through scriptology, a science that can be used to write entire worlds into existence. After her mother is kidnapped, she is forced to leave the safety of her world and travel to Victorian Italy and team up with three other teenagers, who like herself, possess unique talents. Together they set off to rescue her mother and to solve the mystery that surrounds the book that contains Elsa’s home.  

One of my favorite parts about this book was the four main characters. I loved all of the unique talents they brought and how, as the story continues, they begin to become closer and more like a family. One of my least favorite parts about this book was the way it ended. Even though I knew there was a sequel, I was frustrated with the ending and how I was still unsure of the fate of many characters. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy. Even though it’s considered a science, scriptology definitely has some fantastical elements that would intrigue anyone. I would also recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. While it was set in an alternative Victorian Italy, it takes into account historical people and events that occurred within the time period. 

Click here to check out Ink, Iron, and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare

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