Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

By Michelle F., Glen Burnie High School 

I really enjoyed this mystery and suspense-filled book. If you love mystery, crime, strong characters, and not knowing what comes next this book is a great start to the rest of the series. The book revolves around the main character Stevie who goes to Ellingham Academy and loves solving mysteries, particularly one she is consumed with solving is the unsolved kidnapping and murder that happened in the Academy in 1936.  

You see more interesting characters, even a love interest, and really picture yourself there at the school through the imagery. Some things I really like about the book are Maureen Johnson does a good job at really describing the setting and mood for different times, and how every character has a personality. The story really kept you on your toes and you never knew when something is important later.  

One thing I did dislike about the book is the ending was frustrating because you want something different but it is needed to start off the next book. This book and series for me were really great and really made me like mystery books so I would definitely recommend this book, especially for those who want to dive into this genre.   

Click here to check out Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson.



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