Free Access to Current & Historic Newspapers

With so many news sources, it's impossible to maintain subscriptions to them all. But did you know that you can peruse an incredibly wide variety of news sources for free using your Anne Arundel County Public Library card? Find full-text local, national, international, and historical articles from the comfort of your own home - even when the library is closed!

To access newspapers through AACPL, simply navigate on our homepage to the Books & More menu, then click the Magazines & Newspapers option (see screenshot). When prompted, please enter your AACPL library card number.

Many of our most popular domestic newspapers are now sourced through our America's News (NewsBank) database, while most of our international newspapers are sourced through ProQuest Global Newsstream, but you can expect to find full-text articles available for all sources.

The resources below are just a sample of news options the library has to offer. See what you can discover! And if you have any questions or would like additional help, please visit our Ask Us page.

Most popular


Regional & U.S. news


Historical Archives

Special Collections

Post Type